
Solana Validator Manager

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Solana Validator Manager

Automatically bootstrap a Solana validator node, optimize its performance, and connect the node to a monitoring dashboard

Solana is a fast, secure, and censorship-resistant blockchain providing open infrastructure necessary for global adoption.

In order to run, the Solana blockchain requires a decentralized network comprising computing resources to validate transactions as well as storage for ledger redundancy.

The computer resources are provided by validators who need to maintain high-performance Linux nodes.

There are now two Solana clusters, Mainnet-Beta and Testnet.

The Mainnet-Beta cluster is maintained by ~700 validators, and the Testnet cluster by ~1700 more validators.

Most of the people running these just bootstrap their nodes manually, referring to the Solana docs or similar community guides. Apparently, there are no 2 identical setups across these 2400 validators.

As a result, it is virtually impossible to support validators having issues with their nodes and/or help them improve their node, thus contributing to the overall cluster performance.

What we would like to do is provide a toolkit to help validators bootstrap and maintain their nodes in a uniform, consistent way.

The Ansible scripts we have created for this purpose are a compilation of best practices and community guidelines.

Please use them, enjoy them, and improve them.

Quick Install

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

…and follow the wizard’s instructions (enter your own Node name!):

That’s it, you are all set!

How to update validator

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" --version 1.14.2

how to update monitoring

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" 

If you want more control over the configuration of your node, please refer to the advanced technical specifications

How you can support this project

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